Haiti Mission Trip - Day 5

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our last day in Haiti was the awesome!  The Lord has been so faithful to us this week and has truly blessed our time here.  The guys have loved every minute.

Once again, we started the day off with some work.  One crew finished painting the office roof while the other crew helped clear some storage space.  Right after the earthquake in 2010, several hundred boxes of seeds were donated to NVM.  However, they were already expired and after several attempts, none of them were germinating.  So, we helped get rid of them and freed up some storage space…which the boys loved throwing boxes into the fire pit!

This afternoon, we head to Oatoville which is a tent city with 200,000 people just north of Port-a-Prince.  After the earthquake, the Haiti government relocated thousands of people to camps outside the city and Oatoville is the largest one..  It was amazing to see so many people still living in tents.  NVM has started a church there and has seen tremendous favor is ministering to these people.

We showed up and there were already 200 kids waiting on us.  It was a blast to see their unending joy.  Once again, we pulled out our bag of "camp tricks" and had so much fun.  The laughter and smiles were abundant everywhere you looked.

By far, the highlight for me was hearing the guys talk tonight about how the Lord revealed Himself to them individually throughout the week.  We debrief every night, and it has been really fun to watch each one of the guys discover God's truth and how a few days in Haiti will change the way the live and look at the world.  My prayer was for them to gain a greater love for God's Kingdom and his people that he is drawing to Himself…and it was answered.   I'm so proud of them and they way they engaged and served the people of Haiti.  Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

Tracy Jones said...

THANK YOU Collin for organizing the trip, for inviting the boys, for giving them this opportunity to serve others and God and FOR BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!