After surviving all summer in mommas belly (and a ride on the blob), baby Sparks is finally here! Beckett John Sparks was born last Thursday, August 26th weighing in at 9lbs 2oz and 22in long…and a whole head of “rock star” hair. He is already requesting a ride down the zipline…but we thought he might wait a few years! Everybody in the Sparks family is doing well and enjoying the new addition.
Sarah Bishop Gets Married
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Longtime K-Kountry Leadership gal, Sarah Bishop, got married last weekend to Brad Ashby (K-7 Leadership). Sarah interned at Kanakuk last winter and met Brad when she did the Kanakuk Institute in 2008. Both old and new K-Kountry staff were there to celebrate with Sarah and Brad.
Thank You Session 2 Staff
This summer, we were so blessed with such an incredible staff who gave and gave of themselves to help further the Kingdom. The Session 2 staff pushed through the mid-summer heat and were awesome. We are so thankful for you guys and already miss you greatly.
The Finish Line
Anybody that has run a long race knows what it feels like to cross the finish line. You plan, strategize, train, and then run with everything you have. It is just a great feeling to cross the finish line knowing that you ran the race with everything you have!
Well, we have officially crossed the finish line for Summer 2010. Looking back at the summer, it was the best “race” we have ever run. Summer 2010 will go down as one of the best summers that K-Kountry has ever had. The Lord was so faithful to us and we are so thankful.
Thankful for safety, protection, an incredible staff, awesome kids, millions of memories, countless friendships, and most importantly, so much life change! The Lord just continues to use this place to change lives…and for that we are so grateful.
Thanks for an awesome summer!
Super Sunday!
Monday, August 2, 2010
We had a great first day of camp and it also happened to be a Sunday. Sunday’s are filled with lots of traditions, including Koffee Kake! We started kamp right with a day packed with with tons of Wet ‘n Wild water and pool activities. Then we concluded the night with tribal Indain ceremonies. Between shaving cream hair dos and seeing Big Chief arrive through the fog of Taneycomo, it was an all around magical day.
Thanks to Alec Vanderboom for the above tribal pictures!
Opening Day Term 6!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wow, we can hardly believe that term 6 for two weekers and term 11 for one weekers has just started. We have been waiting and preparing for these kids all summer. These are our last sessions, but we honestly have saved the best for last. This is the blow out term when we are so excited to give everything we have and not leave one ounce of energy on the table. The skits are going to even be more hilarious, and the parties even more over the top!
Yesterday was a phenomenal opening day. At K-Kountry one of our goals is to make every kamper feel like a hero. That starts even with how we welcome our kampers into kamp. Every kamper is introduced and welcomed with excitement by their counselors. We are so proud of our staff to cheer with everything they have in the heat of the day, brimming with excitement to meet their new kids!
We are ready for a great term! Tonight is tribal night in kamp. It is a magical night to carry on the tradition of out tribal competition between the Kickapoos and Kiowas, Choctaws and Cherokees.