5th Term has been incredible. Our weather has been amazing! The days have been filled with sunshine, but the heat has not been unbearable. Perfect kamp weather!
Last night we had our final K-life of the term. K-life is always one of our favorite activities here at K-Kountry, so the 4th K-Life comes with great anticipation and some sadness for it to be over. This 4th K-life was a blowout! There was a huge contest between the guys and the girls to determine who knew the devo rap better. The whole gym shook with how loud the kids screamed. It is so fun to see how excited everyone has gotten to learn scripture! The girls won last night, but the overall outcome was a tie.
Last night we also got to see the conclusion to the gospel skit. We learned about how the “Blacksmith” in the skit represented Jesus, and how true love means sacrifice. Jesus laid down his life for our sins, just like the Blacksmith did for the princess. The bell at Kamp rang so sweetly all through the night when K-life was finished. So exciting to see many kids make the decision to give their life to Jesus.
We can hardly believe that we are nearing the end of this term. It is flying by! Here are some more pictures of highlights from the last few days.
Galatica Party! The kids are waiting on the field for a helicopter to land!
A great night of costumes. Lots of space costumes and kids with green hair!
More great costumes
Tons of smiles and great friends!
Our staff is amazing! There are so many hugs that are given out each day.
At Kamp we always try to have everything focused around Christ. In everything we do, our hope is to point kids back to the cross. We always begin our classes with prayer and end them in prayer. Even our Kayak class took a second to “rock up” before finishing for the day.