Home Again, Home Again!
First of all, I’m sorry that we have been so poor at updating the blog and letting everybody know what has been happening in the K-World the last few months. We have been on the road since October, but are back home and blogging again.
For the last 7 weeks, Mr. Tig, Kara, Rachel, and myself have logged thousands of miles as we have criss-crossed the country visiting so many of you. We have traveled thousands of miles to Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. It has been a blast to see so many K-Kountry friends from all over the country. We are counting down the days until summer.
It is good to be back home for the holidays though. Like they say, there is no place like home…and we agree!
Emily Chilson Heads to Afghanistan
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Former K-Kountry kamper and staff member, Emily Chilson, is currently serving in the Air Force as a Public Affairs Officer and is headed to Afghanistan sometime this month.
Emily is originally from Memphis and graduated from TCU (Go Frogs!) in 2008 as a Second Lieutenant in the USAF. For the past two years, Emily has been stationed at Shaw AFB in Sumter, SC. For the last three months, she has been at Camp Atterbury in Indiana receiving training in counter insurgency, consequence management, and urban operations. She has also spent time at Indiana University learning to speak some Pashto, the most prominent language spoken in the Paktika Province where Emily will be.
At K-Kountry, Emily was better known as “JetStream” for her role in the 2007 RocketSquad Gospel Skit. We are huge Emily Chilson fans and pray God’s blessing and protection on her while she serves our country.
Proud of you Emily!
Emily with her two interpreters.
Emily playing “JetStream” in the 2007 Gospel Skit at K-Kountry.
McLaughlin / Storms Wedding
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On Labor Day Weekend, two long time K-Kountry staff members (Brett McLaughlin and Joey Storms) tied the knot in Oklahoma City. It was such a blast to see so many K-Kountry friends and families celebrating Brett and Joey’s marriage. The K-Kountry crew was definitely in full effect on the dance floor! Congratulations Brett & Joey. We love you guys.
It’s The Kamp Life
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A little video of what our summer staff does each summer….
Baby Sparks is Here!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
After surviving all summer in mommas belly (and a ride on the blob), baby Sparks is finally here! Beckett John Sparks was born last Thursday, August 26th weighing in at 9lbs 2oz and 22in long…and a whole head of “rock star” hair. He is already requesting a ride down the zipline…but we thought he might wait a few years! Everybody in the Sparks family is doing well and enjoying the new addition.
Sarah Bishop Gets Married
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Longtime K-Kountry Leadership gal, Sarah Bishop, got married last weekend to Brad Ashby (K-7 Leadership). Sarah interned at Kanakuk last winter and met Brad when she did the Kanakuk Institute in 2008. Both old and new K-Kountry staff were there to celebrate with Sarah and Brad.
Thank You Session 2 Staff
This summer, we were so blessed with such an incredible staff who gave and gave of themselves to help further the Kingdom. The Session 2 staff pushed through the mid-summer heat and were awesome. We are so thankful for you guys and already miss you greatly.
The Finish Line
Anybody that has run a long race knows what it feels like to cross the finish line. You plan, strategize, train, and then run with everything you have. It is just a great feeling to cross the finish line knowing that you ran the race with everything you have!
Well, we have officially crossed the finish line for Summer 2010. Looking back at the summer, it was the best “race” we have ever run. Summer 2010 will go down as one of the best summers that K-Kountry has ever had. The Lord was so faithful to us and we are so thankful.
Thankful for safety, protection, an incredible staff, awesome kids, millions of memories, countless friendships, and most importantly, so much life change! The Lord just continues to use this place to change lives…and for that we are so grateful.
Thanks for an awesome summer!
Super Sunday!
Monday, August 2, 2010
We had a great first day of camp and it also happened to be a Sunday. Sunday’s are filled with lots of traditions, including Koffee Kake! We started kamp right with a day packed with with tons of Wet ‘n Wild water and pool activities. Then we concluded the night with tribal Indain ceremonies. Between shaving cream hair dos and seeing Big Chief arrive through the fog of Taneycomo, it was an all around magical day.
Thanks to Alec Vanderboom for the above tribal pictures!
Opening Day Term 6!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wow, we can hardly believe that term 6 for two weekers and term 11 for one weekers has just started. We have been waiting and preparing for these kids all summer. These are our last sessions, but we honestly have saved the best for last. This is the blow out term when we are so excited to give everything we have and not leave one ounce of energy on the table. The skits are going to even be more hilarious, and the parties even more over the top!
Yesterday was a phenomenal opening day. At K-Kountry one of our goals is to make every kamper feel like a hero. That starts even with how we welcome our kampers into kamp. Every kamper is introduced and welcomed with excitement by their counselors. We are so proud of our staff to cheer with everything they have in the heat of the day, brimming with excitement to meet their new kids!
We are ready for a great term! Tonight is tribal night in kamp. It is a magical night to carry on the tradition of out tribal competition between the Kickapoos and Kiowas, Choctaws and Cherokees.
5th Term Highlights
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
5th Term has been incredible. Our weather has been amazing! The days have been filled with sunshine, but the heat has not been unbearable. Perfect kamp weather!
Last night we had our final K-life of the term. K-life is always one of our favorite activities here at K-Kountry, so the 4th K-Life comes with great anticipation and some sadness for it to be over. This 4th K-life was a blowout! There was a huge contest between the guys and the girls to determine who knew the devo rap better. The whole gym shook with how loud the kids screamed. It is so fun to see how excited everyone has gotten to learn scripture! The girls won last night, but the overall outcome was a tie.
Last night we also got to see the conclusion to the gospel skit. We learned about how the “Blacksmith” in the skit represented Jesus, and how true love means sacrifice. Jesus laid down his life for our sins, just like the Blacksmith did for the princess. The bell at Kamp rang so sweetly all through the night when K-life was finished. So exciting to see many kids make the decision to give their life to Jesus.
We can hardly believe that we are nearing the end of this term. It is flying by! Here are some more pictures of highlights from the last few days.
Galatica Party! The kids are waiting on the field for a helicopter to land!
A great night of costumes. Lots of space costumes and kids with green hair!
More great costumes
Tons of smiles and great friends!
Our staff is amazing! There are so many hugs that are given out each day.
At Kamp we always try to have everything focused around Christ. In everything we do, our hope is to point kids back to the cross. We always begin our classes with prayer and end them in prayer. Even our Kayak class took a second to “rock up” before finishing for the day.
Around the World
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tonight was our second party of the term. We defied the laws of gravity, time, and space to transport our kampers to far off places across the globe. All of this was of course done with great K-Kounty flair, excitement, and a little imagination. The main street of K-Kountry took on a carnival feel, filled with fun snacks, face painting, street performers, tourists, and activities that represented each different country. We don’t claim that each station was truly authentic, but they sure were fun!
At each country when an activity was completed the kampers got their passports stamped. The more stamps they got, the more snacks they were eligible to receive.
Great costumes from around the world.
Goal Kicks in Brazil
Spaghetti throwing in Italy
Sumo wrestling in China
Off to an Incredible Start!
Friday, July 23, 2010
It is hard to believe, but this is our 5th Kamper term. The summer is flying by! 5th term has been off to an incredible start. The sunshine and smiles have been abundant. The days and night have been jammed packed with as much fun as we can possibly fit in. I am reminded again how fun it is to be at Kamp and have the chance to use ziplines, waterslides, skits, canoe trips, and so much more to love on kids and share the gospel with them.
Here is a quick summary our night time activities this term.
July 19 – K-life #1
July 20 – Tribal Night
July 21 – Color Me KuK Party
July 22 – K- Life #2
Color Me Kuk Party