Off to an Incredible Start!

Friday, July 23, 2010

It is hard to believe, but this is our 5th Kamper term.  The summer is flying by!  5th term has been off to an incredible start.   The sunshine and smiles have been abundant.  The days and night have been jammed packed with as much fun as we can possibly fit in.  I am reminded again how fun it is to be at Kamp and have the chance to use ziplines, waterslides, skits, canoe trips, and so much more to love on kids and share the gospel with them.    

Here is a quick summary our night time activities this term. 

July 19 – K-life #1

July 20 – Tribal Night

July 21 – Color Me KuK Party

July 22 – K- Life #2

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Color Me Kuk Party

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Thanks for keeping up with this Rachel! So fun to see what my kids are doing everyday! We are blessed by you and your family.