
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Term 4 has kicked off strong, as campers and counselors have embraced each day's events with excitement and giddy anticipation for what is to come. As both a camper and counselor favorite, our K-Life nights are always much anticipated, and that has remained true with the start of this new term! With only two K-Life's under our belt, we have already met and interacted with a number of characters, such as Millie and Lillie - our beloved British superstars, the evil and threatening Dr. Floberg and his pet Yeti, and our lovable programming friend, Calvin, who shared with us a catchy new dance. We've played games such as "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Pie" in which our girls team took home the victory! All of these skits and games continue to bring laughter and memorable moments, but the real event of each K-Life is our Gospel Skit. The campers were introduced to our Pa, the lovable, caring father at the Circle K Ranch. Conversations are already beginning to take place inside and out of the barns as our campers are asking questions concerning the gospel as a result of this skit! Please pray with us as we anticipate the continuation of this play, as well as many more fun K-Life's to come with the rest of this term!

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